Friday, April 17, 2009

Katherine Paterson Prize for YA and Children's Writing

Just came from Cynthia Leitich Smith's blog, Cynsations, where she has announced that Hunger Mountain, the arts journal of Vermont College of Fine Arts, has launched the inaugural Katherine Paterson Prize for Young Adult (YA) and Children's Writing.

Folks, my heart literally leaped with joy at this, because Katherine Paterson is, like, one of my literary icons in children's literature. And I know, having chatted in many children's forums, that she is a favorite of MANY writers for children, both published & unpublished. Wow! What a great way to honor her!

The Grand Prize is $1,000, with 2 honorable mentions receiving $100 each. The contest is open to writers of young adult fiction, middle grade fiction, and picture books for a piece of fiction not yet under contract or under consideration by a publisher. They are accepting novel excerpts or a short story for YA and MG, and the whole text of picture books.

And get this, Katherine Paterson will judge! Isn't that exciting?! And maybe a little nerve-wracking, too . . . just knowing a NewberyAward-winning author will be reading your work!

Ok, let me stop babbling. For more info, go to Cynsations. Right. Now. The deadline is June 30th!


Tess said...

Great info - very exciting news!

So, your ms is that adorable story that was #50 in the Feb MSFV contest? I loved it! Loved the voice, loved the adorable pulled me right in. Honestly, when I read it I thought "oh, here is someone who writes kinda like me". How very fun to find you :)

Crystal said...

Tess, you are too kind. I'm glad you liked the story & especially the voice, which is so hard to get right, you know, to make it sound really authentic.

Yes, finding someone who writes like I do IS really fun! Glad you have a blog, too, so I can follow your journey to publication :)

Casey Something said...

I was going to post this up on my blog today. What a great opportunity they're offering!

Your blog is off to a great start, by the way. Waay more together than mine was in the beginning. I love the Kidz Korner, too. Fun!

Crystal said...

Thanks for visitng, Casey! I'm really having fun with this blogging thing. I'm glad you like it!

Angela Ackerman said...

Congrats on the new blog, Crystal!

Crystal said...

Thanks, Angela! And Congrats again to you on landing your agent. . . . Here's to a speedy sale!

Mary Witzl said...

What great news that there ıs a dearth of MG manuscripts. My MG years were also my best reading years, and this is the age group I am most interested in writing for.

Crystal said...

Hi Mary!

Thanks for stopping by! Yes, those middle grade years were some of my BEST reading years, too.