Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thursday Tidbits

Agent Elizabeth Jote of Objective Entertainment is looking for, and I quote (because this is NOT listed on her Agent Query page), "MIDDLE GRADE (no one is writing this and everyone is asking me for it. Proposals are welcome.) . . . ."

She goes on to list other genres on the adult side. If you’re interested, she also wants contemporary romance with REAL women, suspense, and nonfiction proposals of all kinds (currently biographies, business, and women’s interest).

Now, I’m thinkin’, if she’s being asked for middle grade novels, maybe other agents are too! Hmmm.

In other agent news, aspiring author Casey McCormick shines the spotlight on Ginger Knowlton of Curtis Brown, Ltd. From what I read, Ginger seems like the kind of agent every author would want to have in their corner. No wonder she has such a STELLAR list of clients!

Christy Raedeke, over at Juvenescence, interviews 2010 debut YA author Steve Brezenoff. Steve tells a fascinating story of how he met his editor, Andrew Karre from Carolrhoda, and then his agent, Edward Necarsulmer IV at McIntosh & Otis.

And over on the QueryTracker blog, Agent Joanna Stampfel-Volpe of Nancy Coffey Literary, having recently judged the One-Sentence Pitch contest there, offers constructive advice on what to include in a one-sentence pitch. She says that out of the 585 entries, 25% of them weren't even pitches at all.

Folk, I printed out this post because the advice she offers and examples she gives of what is and isn't a pitch sentence is really on the money, if I may be so cliche. And as many of you already know, this type of pitch is perfect for conferences and writer's day events.


Tess said...

All really great links and info - thanks! That agent story killed me though....too easy! It never happens for me that way (where I just walk up to an editor, hand them a slip of paper and then they sign me AND give me a list of suggested agents). Amazing!

Crystal said...

I know, Tess, I know. If only we could all get book deals that way!