Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It's Release Day for Debut Author Cindy Pon!

I'm happy to announce that it's release day for fellow blueboarder and debut author, Cindy Pon. Yay!!!

Her debut title, Silver Phoenix drops today in bookstores and online book retailers like amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders, etc.

AND, in celebration of this joyous event, Cindy is graciously giving away (well, actually raffling off) her original, framed brush paintings (they're beautiful!), gift cards to bookstores, and, of course, copies of her book, which has already garnered rave reviews from Booklist, Kirkus Reviews, and Princess Diaries author Meg Cabot! Whoo-hoo!

Click here for details on how to win these fabulous items!


Anne Spollen said...

What a cool cover! Very eye-catching!

Crystal said...

Yes, it's beautiful, isn't it? The colors really pop!

cindy said...

thank you so much, crystal!!!