Hi all!
I know, I know . . . long time no see!
Sorry I was gone so long! So much has been happening, both in my own life (no, no, I didn't get an agent if that's what you're thinking--oh how I wish that had happened!) and around the blogosphere (I'll cover writing/publishing news SOON in a later post). I think, though, I've finally realized why I just stopped blogging (and also writing/revising my MG wip) cold. Now, I'm not a psychologist or anything like that, but I do think that it may have been from grief and/or shock. You see, my last post was April 2nd. The very next day, April 3rd, a close cousin of mine (who I grew up with from, like, the toddler stage) passed away. Yesterday, she would have been 43, just a year older than myself (my birthday is on the 27th). The family knew she didn't have long for she had been sick quite a while. But still. For me, it was like losing an older sister. And I think, now, I've finally been able to come to grips (somewhat) with this loss.
So, slowly but surely, I'm creeping my way back into blogging and the blogosphere (and back to working on my wip) . . . I've missed you all! :)
i'm so sorry to hear about your loss!! it's never easy to part with anyone, much less a loved one :(
but we're so happy to have you back!
i hope everything works out for you!
Crystal, we're so terribly sorry for what you've gone through. Sometimes, we just need to follow our emotions and take a step back. As far as writing goes, these tough experiences in life can strengthen our stories and characters. We're very happy you're back.
Crystal, I'm sorry about your cousin. Of course it's been a tough time. I think it's good you knew to take a step back and give yourself time to grieve.
I think all of us may have reacted the same way. It's hard to reach out when you are needing someone to reach for you. Welcome bacl.
Thanks so much everyone for your kind thoughts! I really appreciate it!
Adventures in Publishing--you are so right . . . going through tough times can indeed strengthen our stories
Terri, Tahereh & Theresa--I'm happy to be back, too! Thanks for understanding & stopping by.
So sorry to hear about your loss. Take your time in returning to blogging.
Welcome back though.
Oh, gosh. I'm so sorry, Crystal! That's pretty much my age too. (Much too young too die!)
My thoughts are with you.
It seems you've had quite a lot on your plate, my friend. I am sorry about sorry to hear of the sad news.
It was so nice to "see" you over at my blog....like bumping into an old friend :)
Mary, Corey, and Tess:
Thanks so much for your kind thoughts . . . it's greatly appreciated!
Hi Crystal,
Thanks for the follow. Sorry to hear your loss, I'm glad you are back to blogging though, it is very cathartic!
I'm so sorry about your cousin. I totally see why you needed to take that time off. Blogging is so fun and great, but family is way more important and cherishing that time with them.
Thanks for your kind thoughts, Catherine and Christina. I appreciate it and really, really hope to get back to blogging soon. I do miss it! :)
I removed my last post, because I must have been sleeping when I typed it. First off, I am so sorry about your loss. Loss is hard, Crystal. I wish I could do more than give you a cyber hug.
But I hope you are coming back to blogging. The blogging world is much better with you than without.
Missed you and hope your birthday was awesome. :-)
Sorry things have been so rotten for you lately. I hope things get better for you soon. There's nothing like working on a WIP or writing a few blog posts to get your mind off of things :)
Rachel--Thanks so much for your kind words, and welcome to my blog (so sorry it's not updated!). I really have been thinking about writing a few posts . . . thanks so much for the encouragement! :)
Robyn--I SO appreciate your cyberhug! You are a good blogger friend and your heartfelt words have been so uplifting . . . never realized I was missed in the blogging world. Yes, I am definitely coming back to blogging . . . I promise! :)
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