Hi all!
Hope everyone had a good Christmas and a restful New Year’s day! Mine was pretty peaceful, and the kids & husband were happy with what they received (even though the budget was a little tight this year). I love giving & getting books as presents, so my oldest daughter, who’s 10, received Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days (book 4 in the series—she’s absolutely hooked on this series & can’t wait to see the movie in April), and my youngest daughter, who’s 6, got a Princess & the Frog picture book.
Didn't 2009 go by FAST? There were so many things I planned on doing writing-wise that I just never got around to (okay, yes, I procrastinated A LOT). But this year I resolve to accomplish what I didn't in 2009. I must say, though, that my hands down BEST accomplishment writing-wise was the creation of this blog. With my 10-year-old's encouragement (she kept saying, "Mommy, just DO it!"), I took a leap of faith and created Crystal's Bookmark. And I AM SO HAPPY I DID! I have met so many aspiring (and a few published) writers this past year that have been such a wonderful source of encouragement & inspiration. THANK YOU ALL so much for stopping by in 2009 for my not-always-weekly sporadic posts on writing & publishing info, and the occasional teaser excerpt. I wish all of us the best of luck in accomplishing our writing goals for 2010! Here's to a FANTASTIC New Year!! :)
Coming soon: Some goals, some resolutions . . . and a few contests
I hope your year is filled with wondeful publishing successes!! You have a nice blog and it is always nice to meet another writer:)
Hopefully 2010 doesn't fly by as fast as 2009 did for all of us. All the best in your writing endeavors, too, Crystal!
Thanks so much for stopping by, Terri Tiffany! I love meeting new writers, too. I'll be over to visit your blog soon! And yes, may we all have some writing successes this year!
Eileen--I wish you all the best in your writing this year, too. I know you have a lot on your plate, but the peace you have within yourself is SO ADMIRAL. I was greatly encouraged as I read your post. I know you'll make it, and congrats again on finalling in the Genesis contest!
Welcome back, Crystal. Happy 2010! :-)
2009 did fly by fast! So Fast! The awakening of a wonderful writing journey. I created my blog in 2009!
I pray the year holds every joy for you Crystal.
You are always so encouraging. Thanks for everything.
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